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Zero-G researchers float in microgravity aboard G-Force One while conducting scientific experiments, showcasing the unique environment for weightless research and testing.
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Research Flight Bookings

Float Us A Line

Are you interested in a private research charter, or joining a mixed payload campaign?
If interested in a mixed payload research flight, are you looking to join the Spring or Fall campaign?
Give us a brief summary of your research (100 words or less)
What is your organization's name?
Contact Info
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A member of our team will contact you shortly.

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Mixed Payload (Handheld)

Research Flights


+ Tax

Book a single seat aboard a shared flight with other researchers. Best for small, unmounted experiments.

Single Seat

*If Booked More Than 90 Days In Advance

Mixed Payload (5' x 10' Section)

Research Flights


+ Tax

Book a 5' x 10' section aboard a shared flight with other researchers. Best for small/medium-sized experiments and rapid prototyping.

Up to 3 People

*If Booked More Than 90 Days In Advance

Mixed Payload (10' x 10' Section)

Research Flights


+ Tax

Book a 10' x 10' section aboard a shared flight with other researchers. Best for medium-sized experiments and rapid prototyping.

Up to 5 People

*If Booked More Than 90 Days In Advance

Private Research Flight

Research Flights


+ Tax

Book an entire research charter for exclusive access to the aircraft. Ideal for large-scale experiments, full-team participation, and complex equipment setups.

Up to 28 People

*If Booked More Than 90 Days In Advance

Frequently Asked Questions...

Getting you ready for your weightless experience.

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Can I test my technology in Lunar or Martian gravity?

Absolutely! Zero-G can precisely create Martian and Lunar gravity environments inside the aircraft, giving you the perfect opportunity to test your technology before launch.

How do mixed payload flights work?

Twice a year, Zero-G offers mixed payload campaigns where research teams can purchase individual payload slots on a shared flight with other researchers. These flights are ideal for teams that require multiple flights but don’t need the entire aircraft to themselves.

Mixed payload campaigns are typically held in the spring and fall. Payload slots are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.

How many parabolas are included on a research flight?

Research flights include 30 parabolas—double the number of a public or private flight—giving you up to 15 minutes of microgravity. This extended time allows you to gather as much data as possible for your research.

Have you flown zero gravity research like mine before?

Between quietly supporting the entire space industry for 20 years, and flying over 2,300+ research payloads, it is highly likely that we have supported an experiment similar to yours.

Can I select my own custom flight profile?

Yes, when booking a private research charter, you can customize your flight profile with up to 30 parabolas. Select your preferred mix of Lunar, Martian, and zero gravity parabolas, and our expert pilots will handle the rest. 

For mixed payload campaigns, flight profiles are pre-set in advance.