September 24, 2024

Space Industry Icon Opens Investment to General Public

Exploration Park, FL [Sept. 11, 2024] — Zero-G, the world leader in zero gravity flights, has announced an unprecedented opportunity for members of the general public to become shareholders in the pioneering space industry. This initiative marks the latest manifestation of the company’s mission to make the space industry more accessible to everyone.

With a minimum investment of only $250, individuals can now join Zero-G on its journey to expand the horizons of space travel and research. As the company continues to innovate and grow, Zero-G invites investors and members of the public with an interest in space to be a part of this incredible opportunity, taking their first step into space as an investor. 

Kevin Sproge, Zero-G’s CEO, shared his insights on this pivotal moment: “We’ve reached an exciting point in our business where demand has exceeded supply. As the only FAA-certified provider of zero gravity flights in the country, we have a responsibility to increase our capacity and continue supporting our customers. One of the major driving forces behind this decision was to officially begin the process of securing our second aircraft, and doubling our annual capacity for zero gravity flights."

In addition to touting a thrilling experience and a perfect track record of safety, Zero-G has quietly supported the space industry for more than two decades, focusing on research initiatives that contribute significantly to scientific discovery. Zero-G’s commitment to the scientific community underscores its dedication to advancing knowledge in various fields, from next-generation space suits and space station hardware, to self-assembling Lunar habitats and even bio-printed human hearts. 

“We’re significantly increasing our focus on supporting the research and development community. Especially with the burgeoning New Space economy, now is the perfect time for us to double-down on the research arm of our business,” said Sproge. 

This investment opportunity represents not just a chance to share in the growth of Zero-G, but also to contribute to the future of space exploration and research. The invitation is open to everyone to embark on this journey with Zero-G as they continue to break barriers and make the wonders of space accessible to all.

For more information about investing in Zero-G, please visit

About Zero-G

Zero-Gravity Corporation is a privately held space entertainment and tourism company whose mission is to make the excitement and adventure of space accessible to the public. Zero-G is the first and only FAA-certified provider of weightless flights in the U.S. for: the general public, entertainment and film industries, corporate incentive markets, research and education sectors, and the government. Zero-G’s attention to detail, excellent service and quality of experience combined with its exciting history has set the foundation for the most exhilarating adventure-based tourism.

For more information about Zero Gravity, please visit:

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